Study abroad
Want to explore stunning places overseas? Make your university experience that bit more special? Studying abroad could be just the ticket.
The University has study abroad partnerships with over 100 universities in Europe and more than 70 further afield. Recent destinations include Hong Kong, Sydney and Toronto.
Certain courses, such as our Earth and Planetary Sciences and Environmental Science programmes, present opportunities to spend a whole year abroad - a great way to broaden your perspective and explore other approaches to earth sciences and environmental issues’ and followed by the sentence, ‘The University has study abroad partnerships with over 100 universities in Europe and more than 70 further afield. Recent destinations include Hong Kong, Sydney and Toronto.
Earth and Planetary Sciences with International Study
An in-depth look at this course, which features the opportunity to spend a year studying abroad.
Environmental Science with International Study
All the course details you need to know about studying environmental science in Manchester.
Information for incoming students
We welcome students from across the world to study with us every year.
If you have any questions about studying in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences contact our Admissions Team.