Doctoral training
Our centres for doctoral training offer exemplary doctoral training for our researchers.
Find out more about our centres and the research programmes that they offer.
Manchester based CDTs and doctoral training
2D Materials of Tomorrow CDT
The Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in 2D Materials of Tomorrow (2DMoT), a partnership between The University of Manchester and the University of Cambridge, is a four-year PhD programme that provides the knowledge and skills for cutting edge, cross-disciplinary research in the science and applications of advanced two-dimensional materials.
Visit the 2D materials CDT
Ecology and evolution (BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership)
Researchers in our Department who specialise in ecology and evolution and geology, work on the deep history of life and study a range of living organisms and ecosystems. They have expertise in soil ecosystems, experimental evolution, proteomics, and phylogenetics, among many other topics.
Funded PhDs associated with these research areas are available through the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Doctoral Training Partnership, which offers fully-funded four-year projects.
Find out more on the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health website
Isotope geochemistry, cosmochemistry and planetary science (STFC)
Our planetary research group works to address key problems in the Earth, environmental and planetary sciences. Our research spans understanding the formation history of asteroids, to the volcanic history of Mars and the Moon, to the evolution of the Earth’s mantle. We study samples collected by NASA missions and are involved with space exploration missions.
Planetary science is an interdisciplinary subject and we welcome students who have studied geology, geochemistry, chemistry, physics or planetary science at degree level, and who ideally have experience of carrying out an independent research project as part of their degree.
Find out more about the available research projects in planetary science
CDT in SATURN (Skills and Training Underpinning a Renaissance in Nuclear)
Led by Professor Scott Heath, the primary aim of SATURN is to provide high quality research training in science and engineering, underpinning nuclear fission technology.
Discover the SATURN CDT
External CDTs
CDT in Aerosol Science
From drug delivery to the lungs to the transmission of disease, climate change to combustion science, new routes to materials to consumer and agricultural products, an understanding of aerosol science is crucial. The CDT in Aerosol Science has identified the key knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for successful practitioners of this rapidly-evolving, interdisciplinary field.
Please note, the EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science is being led by the University of Bristol in partnership with six other institutions of which The University of Manchester is one.
Discover the Aerosol Science CDT
CDT in Developing National Capability in Materials 4.0
The CDT in Materials 4.0, led by the Henry Royce Institute - the UK’s national institute for advanced materials research, is seeking scientists and engineers keen to acquire new skills and work in new ways, to help us realise the potential of the digital and data revolutions in materials science.
Please note this CDT is led by the Henry Royce Institute in collaboration with Sheffield, Oxford, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Cambridge, Imperial College London, the National Nuclear Laboratory and the UK Atomic Energy Authority.
Discover the Materials 4.0 CDT